How our Talent Marketplace Works

Employers search and hire candidates from Talent Communities in a sector Talent Marketplace

Trusted By:

Our Marketplaces Offer Employers Experienced and Verified Candidates that are Work-Ready

Hired1st partners with industry specialists to attract, upskill and place people into work.

Al Recruiter Insight Scores

Global leader Al CV parsing and scoring against job description. The Al evaluates a combination of work experience, qualifications and skills related to the job, to present the highest ranked and best suited candidates.

Configurable Job Match Scores and Work Ready Shields

Organisations can configure their own Job Match scores based on data collected to provide their own profiles of what candidates are best suited for the job. Hired1st has partnered with government and industry associations for to offer pre-loaded job roles with core skills and compliance elements.

Skills and Compliance Gap Analysis

Our software publishes a skills and compliance gap analysis for each candidate that aligns to the registered job role. The gap analysis allows recruiters and hiring managers to quickly assess the missing skills and compliance tasks as part of their assessment.

Benefits of the Talent Marketplace

0 %
Reduced Recruitment Fees
0 h
Hire in less than 24 hours
0 %
Job Readiness Analysis

Talent Marketplace

Marketplace partners enable employers to source talent from multiple Talent Communities

Private Marketplace

Partners can create their own Talent Marketplace by choosing recruiters and training organisations to promote talent to their clients, earning revenue on placement fees.

Industry Marketplace

Hired1st provides employers with access to industry marketplaces that feature associations, training organisations, and recruiters. Candidates are pre-screened against industry sector job roles.

Employer Marketplace

Enterprise and multi-national employers can create their own marketplace of preferred recruiters and sourcing partners and publish location based Talent Pools.

What is a Private Marketplace

What is an Industry Marketplace

What is Employer Marketplace

Partner’s Stories

Employer Journey

In The Talent Marketplace

Partner Journey

Within The Marketplace

Employer Journey Test

In The Talent Marketplace

Employers select the partners they wish to use to find talent in the Marketplace

Employers sign up with the partners on the platform

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Next slide
  • Employers select the partners they wish to use to find talent in the Marketplace

  • Employers sign up with the partners on the platform

Candidates Register To Talent Communities

Custom configure a registration process

Custom Job Profiling

Building the world's largest IT Talent Marketplace enabling IT workers to find jobs with any company in the world


Technology all companies can hire workers from our platform


The Hired1st sourcing portal attracts talent


Hire employees worldwide with the #1 Employer of Record

Let us hire employees on your behalf to quickly onboard employees in 100+ countries without the cost and extra admin.

Working with Universities and Training Organisations to attract IT talent into the sector.

Working with over 15,000 technology companies to help them find talent.

Working with over 500 recruitment companies to help technology companies source talent.

Training Platform Partner

Partnership Achievements

Contractor Payroll

Talent Marketplace Partner

Technology Platform Partner

Partnership Achievements

Instant access to Talent

Talent Marketplace Partner

Industry Association Platform Partner

Partnership Achievements

Singapore Tech Employers

Talent Marketplace Partner

Training Organisation Partner

Partnership Achievements

Learning Content

Marketplace Reseller Partner

Technology Platform Partner

Partnership Achievements

Outsourced Employment

Talent Marketplace Partner

Technology Platform Partner

Partnership Achievements

Digital Badging / Micro credentials

Marketplace Partner

Talent On-Demand

Standard Chartered Bank unlocked potential to build a future-proof workforce


in savings through internal projects


in savings through internal projects

With the talent marketplace, it’s so much more than consuming learning content: it’s about applying that learning on the job in a way that makes a difference in our organization and makes a difference to our clients

Watson Stewart

Head of Talent Solutions, Standard Chartered Bank

Some of our Talent On-Demand Partners:

Let us know what PowerHouse Connect Product you are interested in reviewing in your own demo. We will be in touch soon to book a demo portal for you.